Create an account or connect to an existing one directly from the Flambo App:



Create an account (Sign up)

Click on the Sign up button on top of the login page.

Fill in the form with your email address and by typing the same password twice.

Password must have at least 8 characters, including a lower case letter, an upper case letter, a number and a specific symbol.

Click on the Sign up button.


Connect to an account (Log in)

After creating an account, fill in your email and password on the login page and click on the Log in button to access the Flambo App.


Password recovery

If you forget or lost your password, click on the Forgot your password? link at the bottom of the login page.

Fill in the email address you used to create your account with, and click on the Send code button.


You should have received an email entitled Your verification code containing a unique code on the previously given address. ⚠️ Please check your spam folder! If this is not the case, click on the Send confirmation code link at the bottom of the page.